Gallicchio in Web

     versione italiano      PLAN   MEDIATECA 2000      

    "be of the jobs to the 31.1.2004"  

Audioteca, videoteca, servizi multimediali

Common of Gallicchio e' an Agency piu' of 1000 inhabitants  , little situated in one of the inner  areas piu' of the Region Basilicata, with presence of a strong rate juvenile unemployment.  The modest dimensions are territorial that demographic of the Agency they constitute same they a brake to the possibilita' of development of the Common one, also for the geographic location that sees it always marginal regarding the same areas of development characterized from the Regional Plans (...). The requirement to reach to an associate management of the services  e' by now perceived from the local administrators also perche' the common viciniori  is like number of inhabitants that like territory introduce the same characteristics of Gallicchio, and in particular the associate management of the social and cultural services can also constitute a valid support for the continuous comparison and integration in the respect of the single ones municipalita'. The presence on the communal territory of a Library sufficiently equipped (in connection with the dimensions of the Agency) of approximately 9.000 documents, connected to Internet, and equipped of discreet means audiovisual aids and multimediali, has allowed the fruizione of the service of public reading also to citizens of the Common ones limitrofi. The recent innovations in scholastic field to continuation of the autonomy, the plans of formative offer interlace you to the territory, impose to the Agency to make to priority grow beside the classic institution of the library a directed cultural container to the computer science schooling and the education to the multimedialita' like support to the study and the insertion in the world of the job. The institution of a Mediateca e' one of the answers that the Local Agency means to give to the modernization of the society with the birth of a place of social aggregation for the young people and for how many because of the introduction of the automation processes (employee publics, teaching, employs to you, entrepreneurs) risks in lack of a continuous formation to being neglects to you from the world of the job, and therefore, understanding is stretched to a mediateca as creation of spaces where to explore one didactic innovative that take advantage themselves technologically of means piu' it is left over to you.  In these years the Common one of Gallicchio ritagliato to the inside of the Library also a minimal space to the new technologies, with attivita' sporadic of formation to the adults through a course of computer science schooling, approaching to the young people the use of the computer, predisposing to the inside of a plan written up to the senses of law 285/97 the connection to Internet of the local Medium school. With sufficient happening e' be realized a formative module of 100 hours directed to 10 young people graduated for the planning and the creation of the Situated Web of the Common one to the inside of the actions  of which to the plans of social useful jobs.  The action plan mediateca 2000 promoted from the Ministry for the assets and the attivita' cultural and directed to the southern, us e' seemed, also aware regions of the limits tax from the dimension of the Agency, the occasion in order to propose  to financing a plan of Institution of one mediateca near the existing library for the formal spread of the services of electronics and multimediale editoria.The Mediateca that agrees to realize puo' to be defined like  a physical space purposely equipped and  a virtual place, where the customer puo' to reperire through Internet and other systems informed to you news, information, addresses and quant' other in province, region, in Italy, the world.  The customer puo' moreover to demand advance bibliographical advisings in Italian and foreign libraries, to have signallings of situated profits to the finding of information, to find attendance and advising for reperire news, is they of curiosita' or deepenings for scopes of study, job or free time. 

In particular the mediateca answers to:·Information on attivita' of the local administration and the other Public agencies connect to you, tourist information, calendars manifestations and routes , Information on the assets and the cultural institutions presents on the territory , Information on the situated parks and the archaeological ones , Data banks on the librario patrimony and the system librarian , Information on the European Union and the various ones opportunita' , Information and data banks territorial , Information on the atmosphere, parks and data banks acclimatize them , Information of statistical type and data banks associate-economic , Information produced from other public and private structures , Information on the opportunita' of commercioelettronico ,  Data banks on the native produce , Attendance to the bibliographical search , multimediali Services (connection to Internet etc.) , Audioteca , Videoteca.La mediateca sara' the equipped space to service of the citizen in which reperire information for scholastic searches, professional theses of study, course or simply for svago or curiosita' personal.   E' also the place where who has not never been annoying in net potra' to find operating qualified that with little simple instructions they will introduce it to the first approach with Internet and the first searches. E' finally the place in which through the formation at a distance the distances will be able to be exceeded and therefore to exceed the isolation and the marginalita' that it characterizes our area.  The closely connected mediateca sara' to the library and its librario and documentary patrimony that through piu' the always addressed modernization towards the multimediali CD-ROM  consentira' of veicolare the information of the cultural agencies forms them and informs them, concurring with the local Agency to carry out  a fundamental role in the process of formation of its citizens acquitting to the tasks which e' be deputy from the State in topic of right to the study, and recent from the process of decentralization of the attivita' scholastic.     The mediateca moreover means to concur the single and direct access with all the information of multimediale type and ipertestuali connections  , activating also shapes of connection with the concittadini scattered for the world to continuation of the strong emigration. The services informed will be accessible to whichever citizen, endowed enterprise and/or  Institution of a workplace on personal computer and connected to the net regional data transmission, or simply through the situated WEB  home